Jay S. Levy’s Pretreatment Guide for Homeless Outreach & Housing First is now available as an audiobook at Audible.com! You can get this book for FREE if you sign up for an Audible.com monthly subscription or purchase it as a one-time book and pay $19.95. It will also be available as an Apple iTunes audiobook by December 20th, 2019.
-National Health Care for the Homeless Council (NHCHC) Webinar on Homeless Outreach and Pretreatment –
~Celebrating the new book~ Cross-Cultural Dialogues on Homelessness: From Pretreatment Strategies to Psychologically Informed Environments
Now available via Barnes & Noble, Amazon – Kindle e-book, Hardcover, and Paperback. All formats are also available worldwide via Book Depository and Amazon-UK , Amazon CA, as well as other outlets-
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Transatlantic Dialogues on Trauma and Homelessness
Our hope is to share and encourage transatlantic dialogues on homelessness that includes our narratives, challenges and successes in order to promote mutual learning and communication, as well as a more informed practice.
We have crossed the cultural divide in our work with colleagues at various conferences (e.g. International Street Medicine Symposium), sharing insights from around the globe. Of course this is not limited just to conferences, as cross-cultural perspectives on homelessness flow via journal articles, books, University coursework, staff trainings, and easily accessible podcasts, as well as through a variety of websites such as the PIElink that offers interviews and library materials on transatlantic homelessness issues. In fact, I recently taught the first graduate studies course on PIE and Pretreatment, utilizing multi-media resources from PIE-Link, with college students in the US. These forums, as well as the exchange programs between the US and UK, provide the opportunities to share insights from PIE and Trauma Informed Care approaches to homelessness.
Robin Johnson, the founder of PIE, developed a dedicated section on Transatlantic Dialogues that can be found via PIELink. Check out the following menu items that Robin has highlighted for further exploration:
The Transatlantic Exchange Programme
Cross-Cultural Dialogues on Homelessness- Including a Transatlantic Homelessness Glossary